Figure: Beer garden with terrace in the heart of Munich

Beergarden - Wirtsgarten

Our Wirtsgarten in the heart of munich ist the ideal place to relax after shopping and sightseeing. Just a short walk gets you to many shops, hotels, museums and other attractions of munich.

Wirtsgarten, Terrace, Come together

Sip a fine Hacker-Pschorr Edelhell (Pale Ale) beneath our sunshades. Drop by, enjoy the full Pschorr service and let your soul soar.

Biergarten – Wirtsgarten in der Münchner Innenstadt am Viktualienmarkt
Arrange to meet friends, have a central meeting place – right on the Viktualienmarkt, eat well with full service under locust trees or simply enjoy the atmosphere with a cood beer.

Wirtsgarten gallery

The „Pschorr“ Wirtsgarten is a central meeting place in Munich. Directly on the Viktualienmarkt – right in the heart of Munich.

Die Biergartentische werden eingedeckt. Dahinter die ersten Zelte vom Viktualienmarkt in München
Enjoy our complete Pschorr food and beverage range outdoors - why not share a well-chilled bottle of wine with friends?

Schattiger Biergarten – Wirtsgarten unter vielen grünen Bäumen oder Sonnenschirmen in München
Visit us and relax in the shade of our trees.

Der Biergarten – Wirtsgarten vom bayerischen Wirtshaus „Pschorr“ erwacht so langsam